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TOBAGO & TRINIDAD Wild Facets of the Caribbean

Port of Spain Carnival and Tobago Adventure

A beautiful tour in Trinidad and Tobago, 10 days in the middle of Carnival with a getaway to Tobago

Click on the map to access the route details on Google Maps

De Grande-Rivière à Port d'Espagne​





+ Speyside




Hébergement en hôtels de qualité supérieure

Activités disponibles : Détente, Birdwatching, Trekking, Observation des tortues , Kayak, VTT, Natation, snorkeling, plongée sous-marine, promenades...

Repas : Circuit en petit-déjeuner, autres repas en option suivant les étapes.

Day 1: Arrival and transfer to hotel in Tobago

Upon your arrival in Tobago, we will meet you at the airport and take you to theCrown Point Beach Resort where your room will be waiting for you.

Steps : Crown Point

Accommodation in Crown Point. (Tobago)

Activities : Relaxation.

Meals : First meal with your guide in a charming little restaurant
from Crown Point, a stone's throw from the hotel

Day 2: Departure towards the North in a rental 4X4

On the morning of the second day in Tobago, after a good night's rest to the sound of the waves breaking on the hotel beach, you will take possession of your small Jimny-type 4X4, an essential tool for discovering Tobago.

Steps : From Crown point to Charlotteville - 3 hours of splendid driving.

Accommodation in Charlotteville at The Big Fish Guest-House (Tobago)

Activities : Relaxation and discovery without a guide

Meals : breakfast

Day 3: Discovery of the North of Tobago

Charlotteville is an ideal base for discovering the northern part of Tobago. Speyside, the lighthouse overlooking Goat Island and the superb beach of Pirate Bay should satisfy even the most demanding ;-)

Stops : Crown Point, Speysude - 20 minutes of splendid driving.

Accommodation in Charlotteville at The Big Fish Guest-House (Tobago)

Activities : Relaxation, discovery, possibility of diving in Speyside, a corner adored by Manta Rays!

Meals : breakfast

Day 4: From Charlotteville to Castara

Upon your arrival in Tobago,

you will take possession of your small Jimny type 4X4, an essential tool for discovering Tobago.

Steps : From Crown point to Charlotteville - 3 hours of splendid driving.

Accommodation in Charlotteville at The Big Fish Guest-House (Tobago)

Activities : Relaxation

Meals : full board

Day 5: Castara, the village at the end of the world

Upon your arrival in Tobago,

you will take possession of your small Jimny type 4X4, an essential tool for discovering Tobago.

Steps : From Crown point to Charlotteville - 3 hours of splendid driving.

Accommodation in Charlotteville at The Big Fish Guest-House (Tobago)

Activities : Relaxation

Meals : full board

Day 6: Departure for Trinidad

Upon your arrival in Tobago,

you will take possession of your small Jimny type 4X4, an essential tool for discovering Tobago.

Steps : From Crown point to Charlotteville - 3 hours of splendid driving.

Accommodation in Charlotteville at The Big Fish Guest-House (Tobago)

Activities : Relaxation

Meals : full board

Day 7: Day in Grande-Rivière

Upon your arrival in Tobago,

you will take possession of your small Jimny type 4X4, an essential tool for discovering Tobago.

Steps : From Crown point to Charlotteville - 3 hours of splendid driving.

Accommodation in Charlotteville at The Big Fish Guest-House (Tobago)

Activities : Relaxation

Meals : full board

Day 8: Start of the walk towards Blanchisseuse - night in bivouac on the beach

you will take possession of your small Jimny type 4X4, an essential tool for discovering Tobago.

Steps : From Crown point to Charlotteville - 3 hours of splendid driving.

Accommodation in Charlotteville at The Big Fish Guest-House (Tobago)

Activities : Relaxation

Meals : full board

Day 9: Arrival in Blanchisseuse

Upon your arrival in Tobago,

you will take possession of your small Jimny type 4X4, an essential tool for discovering Tobago.

Steps : From Crown point to Charlotteville - 3 hours of splendid driving.

Accommodation in Charlotteville at The Big Fish Guest-House (Tobago)

Activities : Relaxation

Meals : full board

Day 10: Port of Spain and the Scarlet Ibis

Upon your arrival in Tobago,

you will take possession of your small Jimny type 4X4, an essential tool for discovering Tobago.

Steps : From Crown point to Charlotteville - 3 hours of splendid driving.

Accommodation in Charlotteville at The Big Fish Guest-House (Tobago)

Activities : Relaxation

Meals : full board



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